
Where to Get Products For Bigcommerce

September 29 2022 01:08
Where to Get Products For Bigcommerce

Knowing where to get products for the Bigcommerce site is as important as selecting your product niche. There are different ways and places to get products, and here, you will learn everything about getting products for your Bigcommerce site.

Ways to find products for Bigcommerce sites

Below are the top 4 ways to find products for Bigcommerce sites.

Competitor research

You can take inspiration from your competitors to find the right products in your niche. Competitor research tells about the market share, pricing, product types and features, and other pros and cons of a product. The customer reviews will tell you which product has the highest potential for your Bigcommerce site.

Product specific research

Another way to find products for your Bigcommerce site is by doing product-specific research. Select a niche and select a product from that niche. Now, look for the benefits and demerits of adding that product to your site according to market and potential customers. This way, you can easily filter out the products with high market potential.

Where to Get Products For Bigcommerce

Market research

Study a market after you select your product niche. The demand for that product can be the key to the success of your business. Also, research the following:

· Market size

· Potential customers

· Competitors and competition

· Product availability

Focusing on these factors and customers' needs will give you an idea about the best products for your Bigcommerce site.

Target audience research

Researching your target audience is the way to know your ideal buyer. In the market, there will be people buying your product and those who are not your ideal customers. To find products, you need to research your target audience, telling you the ideal customer's age, income, hobbies, and living situation.

How to get products for Bigcommerce with Doba?

Doba makes finding and selling products for the Bigcommerce website very easy. Here is how you can get products for Bigcommerce with Doba.

Use the integrations feature at Doba to integrate with your Bigcommerce site.

Doba has an integration feature where you can integrate it with several online sites. Select the Bigcommerce site option and integrate Doba with your Bigcommerce website.

Select your product and set prices

After completing the site integration, you need to work on your product hunt. Select products you want on your Bigcommerce sites and strategically set prices for those products. While setting your price, you need to compare it with your competitors. At the same time, you must ensure that you are making profits.

Manage orders, and Doba will fulfill them for you.

Now your Bigcommerce site will get orders from customers, and the suppliers at Doba will manage those orders and supply them directly to your customers. Thus, with the help of Bigcommerce integration, you will easily get products from Doba and effortlessly send them to your customers.


Bigcommerce brings one of the best platforms for selling products online and knowing the right place to get products for your e-commerce site can help run a profitable business.

Once registered, you’ll gain access to all product pricing and inventory.

Try Doba today, risk-free, without missing out on a quality experience!