
How To Create Selling Videos On Instagram For Your Dropshipping Store

September 24 2021 01:35
How To Create Selling Videos On Instagram For Your Dropshipping Store

When Instagram was launched, it was all about pictures, but the visual game has expanded to include videos. Pictures, of course, are still a major part of the social media platform, but videos are unique. In fact, the average customer on the 'gram now spends half of their time on the platform watching videos, providing an excellent opportunity for businesses to reach their target audiences and drive sales. 

Many brands have quickly recognized consumers' craving for video content on Instagram and create selling videos to meet their objectives. Of course, videos require more time and effort to create than images, but the trade-off is well worth it. 

If you're into dropshipping, you definitely cannot ignore the power of videos on Instagram. However, to get the most out of the app, you need to go beyond just publishing photos to creating selling videos. Selling videos allows you to show the world who you are and what you have to offer in 60 seconds or less. 

Keep reading to learn how you can use Instagram videos to sell more of your products from your dropshipping store. 

How to create selling videos on Instagram for your dropshipping store

One of the biggest challenges they face with creating selling videos is working through the creative process for most drop shippers. Here are some video ideas that you may find helpful:

  • Product overviews: Since you know the products so well, you can make videos that simply showcase your products and highlight why the audience should buy. 

  • Stop motion: Polished videos are becoming too popular, creating room for animated videos captured one frame at a time, with physical objects that are moved between frames. 

  • Fast motion: This type of videos helps to show off the progress faster without boring your users to death. 

  • User-generated content (UGC): Brainstorming to create selling videos can be stressful, so you might as well allow your followers to create some for you. Plus, UGC videos are highly effective as they generate 10x times more views than branded content. 

  • Influencer partnership: You can partner with an influencer to create videos for your dropshipping store. 

You can use several tools to create your Instagram selling videos, but if you're looking for one suitable for a beginner, Inshot is a good choice to consider. 

Where businesses can post their videos on Instagram 

There are different places you can post your selling videos on Instagram, and they all have unique peculiarities. Knowing about them can help you decide the best place to post your videos for maximum reach. You can post your selling videos through the following:

1. In-feed Instagram video posts

In-feed videos are an excellent way to showcase your products to your target audience. They're essentially short clips that last up to 60 seconds and are automatically played without sounds, but users can tap on the video to hear the sounds. You can also add the video in multiple image posts, with an aspect ratio of 1:1 or 1.9:1. 

Also, keep in mind that even though your goal is to sell your products, it's vital to target building relationships with your audience as well, as this will help increase rapport and increase the likelihood that they purchase if they haven't yet. 

Best practices 

  1. Short and precise: Although the maximum duration is 60 seconds, aim to promote your products as quickly as possible. Most Instagram users view short videos more than long ones. 

  2. Interactive: Be sure to respond to all comments, as this will help increase your engagement rate. This will give you plenty of social proof and put you in favor of the algorithm in the long run.

  3. Engaging: Agreed, your goal is to sell your products, but if your audience isn't into it, they will stop watching halfway, and you won't be able to hit your target. Aim to make your videos very engaging. 

2. Instagram stories videos 

Instagram stories videos are very short, lasting just 15 seconds. They are full-screen mobile-oriented content and remain up for 24 hours before they're auto-deleted. Because they're full mobile-oriented content, the ideal aspect ratio is 9:16. 

What makes stories videos a great option to consider is that you can reach your entire audience through them as they're not affected by algorithms (at least not yet.) They're an exceptionally popular feature on the platform as most users engage with them daily. 

Best practices

  1. Use Instagram stickers: You can add Instagram stickers and GIFs to the videos, and you should. They make your videos look cool and fun even though the content is promotional. Examples of stickers you can use include hashtag stickers, mention stickers, question stickers, poll stickers, and more. 

  2. Post multiple videos: You probably think it is hard to post meaningful 15-second videos, but you can break a single video into multiple chunks and use them to achieve your overall goal - sales. 

3. Instagram video ads

Instagram is one of the best social platforms at the moment to advertise your products because it's based on visual content. As a result, you can reach a wide audience of shoppers who like to see products before they buy. 

It's also important to add that videos only last 60 seconds with the aspect ratio being 1:1 or 1.9:1 and can be included in multi-image posts. However, the video ads cost more than Facebook ads. 

Best practices 

  1. Optimize for mobile devices: Most Instagram users access the platform from their mobile devices, so you want to make sure your video ads look good for smartphones and tablets. 

  2. Use captions: No matter how engaging your video ad might be, you still need to employ your copywriting skills to persuade users to view the video. A compelling text attached to the video can make your ad make sense even before users tap on it to watch. 

  3. Promote your video at the beginning: Most users tend to stop watching a video halfway, so make sure you showcase your products within the first few seconds using a strong message for them to make a purchase. 

4. Instagram IGTV

Instagram IGTV is particularly suitable for businesses looking to post longer promotional videos as it allows you to post videos of up to 60 minutes. When it first appeared, the only supported ratio was 9:16 (vertical), but now users can upload 16:9 ratio videos (horizontal). 

Best practices

  1. Create a cover image: A great cover image can help attract users to click on your videos. Having one can go a long way to improve your reach to your targeted audience. 

  2. Be creative: Posting a video longer than 60 seconds requires a lot of creativity to catch and hold your audience's attention for the duration of your video. Don't forget to promote your products right from the beginning of the video. 

  3. Use captions: Always attach a text to your video that shows a strong reason for users to watch the video. 

Tips to sell on Instagram using videos

Creating videos to post on Instagram is easy, but creating selling videos that convert requires planning and knowledge to generate sales. If you're looking to sell on Instagram for your dropshipping store using videos, here are some tips to help. 

1. Plan before making every video

It can be challenging to create videos that persuade users to buy before their attention span elapse, so taking time to define your strategy is very important. Before beginning, develop the ideas you want to convey so your videos are a promotional tool rather than just moving pieces without a message. 

2. Keep your video short 

It's tempting to make your videos long and assume that your audience will find it as interesting as you do. However, most users only watch a video for a few seconds to decide whether to watch to the end or move to the next. Therefore, keep your video short, captivating and interesting. If you must create a long video, consider creating several short videos rather than one long video. 

3. Make high-quality video 

Make sure the video quality is top-notch, as low-quality videos are a turn-off to most users. Remember that Instagram thrives on polished pictures and fantastic videos, so be sure to make your high-quality. 

4. Add CTA 

One of the mistakes many dropshippers make is to promote their products via their video and assume that users will automatically reach out to them for a purchase. Inserting a strong call-to-action can help your audience make up their mind to visit your store and buy your products. Add the CTA to both the video and the caption attached to it. 

5. Use hashtags

Hashtags are an effective way to help more potential customers find your brand. Don't just go ahead and add any hashtag that comes to your mind. Instead, check to see what hashtags other sellers in your niche are using and try to find the ones that get the most attention. Then use them in your captions. However, you don't want to cram your caption with hashtags. Moderation is key. 

6. Write compelling captions 

Instagram might be a visual platform, but words count too. As stated earlier, captions are important because they're the bait for users to watch your videos. If they're not compelling enough, you likely won't get plenty of views. So make sure the caption is strong enough to entice users to tap the video to watch. 

7. Use Instagram analytics 

After creating and posting the video, you need to also get serious with data tracking. Analyzing your video's performance can provide insights into how you can get better at creating selling videos. Always check out for the analysis of views, likes, comments, hashtag uses influencers who engaged with your video, and more. 


No matter how creative you are, it's very important to continually improve by creating selling videos on Instagram and learning from other brands on the platform. 

Furthermore, it's important to ensure that your products are high-quality as your customers will drop reviews on the platform, which will go a long way to determine the future of your dropshipping store. If you're looking for high-quality suppliers, Doba boasts plenty of suppliers for you to choose from. 

Doba has been a leading dropshipping website since 2002, dedicated to providing high-quality dropshipping suppliers and products for online sellers to dropship. Doba provides integrations with top marketplaces and e-commerce platforms, including Amazon, eBay, Shopify, and more,allowing sellers to add products to their stores and sync orders to the suppliers to fulfill efficiently.

Once registered, you’ll gain access to all product pricing and inventory.

Try Doba today, risk-free, without missing out on a quality experience!